Dragon Rift Studios is a concept borne of one person. Originally from Canada, he started programming under the name of Doppelganger Software. He produced many role-playing game accessories and utilities under this name. There were some web pages done under this name, but most have been updated to reflect new names. After a short time with the name Flaming Frog Creations, he changed the focus of his freelance work to a more web based solution. Since this included graphic design as well as various styles of programming, he adopted the name Dragon Rune Studios. Due to having such a long name for its URL, the name was changed slightly to Dragon Rift Studios. At the present, the company is wherever he is, in this case, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Because the company, as well as its creator, has not moved much, and has remained in the same town for over 3 years, it is considered more stable.
Starting with the text only internet using a UNIX terminal, he learned to program the proper way, raw text. Keeping this base source of knowledge, he expanded as the web did, picking up new skills as he went along, including javascript, cascading style sheets, and more recently, PHP/MySQL integration. Having taught some of these skills at a Community College in Canada, a temporary teacher of a complete Web Design course, he has a unique ability to convey his message to those who do not know the lingo.
He has had experience designing completely unique sites, with a strange database integration, as well as interfacing them with user input. His graphic work has been featured on many sales sites and in print magazines. There are many samples of his work, both past and present available for viewing.